The Early childhood Promise

As parents who work every day with parents, the one thing we know for sure is that every parent wants the absolute best for their children. It does not matter where they live, what they do for a living, what holidays they celebrate, or what their childhood looked like, every parent wants their children to grow into the full promise they were born with and live to their full potential. As a NICU occupational therapist, I watch parents hold their babies for the very first time and gaze into their eyes. Having had a baby in the NICU myself, I think I know exactly what they are thinking. They are thinking about all the promise that lies beneath those tiny slate gray eyes staring back at them; the hopes and dreams that began as soon as they learned they were expecting. They are imagining their futures of cuddles, bedtime stories, and so much love as they get to know their new little family member. They are thinking about all of the unknowns.

We see this book as a love letter to parents in a way. We hope to remind parents that they are not alone. Parenting is hard. Noone has all the answers, but there are data, resources and strategies out there that are proven to be effective in raising healthy, strong, independent children. We outline the evidence-based resources and strategies in the pages of this book so that all parents can have the tools to truly be their child’s first teacher and strongest advocate.

We hope that all parents and everyone with a young child in their life feels supported by The Early Childhood Promise. Our goal is to fully unlock the promise in every child so that they can reach their full potential.


What does the Male Australian Zebra Finch and a smart new mommy or daddy have in common?